The Trial, Preview and May 7 prototypes all contained an extensive Debug Mode that could be accessed by enabling certain flags. As previously mentioned, these stages have reserved cameras for demo playback that are never normally seen due to the changes: The debug menu uses an older demo cycle which has both a different character order and stages for Eggman, Knuckles and Shadow. The Event Test not only lists all the events and allows you to view them, you can also stop cutscenes with the B button, and speed them up or slow them down with the shoulder buttons, even making them run in reverse.

The list of levels includes all that character's normal stages, Chao World (misspelled as CHAO WARLD) and the test levels (BASIC TEST, SONIC TEST or KNUCKLES TEST), which do not exist and crash if you try to select them. The GAME and DEMO options will ask you to choose a character or character set and a level. PLAY:FROM LAST - Play the story mode on the Last Story.PLAY:FROM DARK - Play the story mode on the Dark Story.PLAY:FROM HERO - Play the story mode on the Hero Story.DEMO:LOOK PREVIOUS TAKEN ONE - Replay the previously recorded demo.DEMO:2P - Record a demo with two players.

DEMO:1P ONLY - Record a demo with one player.GAME:2P 1POINT MATCH - Play a level with two players.GAME:2P 3POINTS MATCH - Play a level with two players until one player wins three times.GAME:1P ONLY - Play a level with one player.The menu has the following options to choose from:

The code to display the menu items on-screen was removed in the PC version, but it still functions. In the PC version, you can use a memory editor to go to 434687 and change CC 76 8B 00 to 98 8F 8B 00. There is a debug menu in all versions of the game which is accessible by replacing ADVERTISE.PRS with TITLE.PRS.įor the GameCube version, replace advertiseD.rel with titleD.rel or use the NTSC-US Action Replay code: